I saw Todd Anglin of Telerik speak at the Dallas ASP.Net user group on June 28th. He covered HTML5 and the technologies that can be used now. There were problems with the recording but his slides are here.
I recommend keeping an eye out for any of Todd Anglin's speaking engagements. I've been to two and both were worth it. His more recent presentations are focused on the presentation layer but he is skilled at working at all layers. This helps make his UI presentations more accessible even to programmers that do not work at the UI layer very often.
My interest in HTML5 has been sparked by Todd's presentation. During the presentation, he asked the audience to choose one technology and start using it today. I chose local storage. Local storage combined with manifests could help make web sites less vulnerable to spotty network connectivity. I expect it local storage will be a good launching point for other, sexier parts of HTML5.